At its core, Apex Vault enables users to securely trade digital assets with minimal fees and low slippage.

Slippage refers to the discrepancy between the prevailing market price of an asset and the price at which the transaction is actually executed. This variance could potentially result in a smaller amount of desired tokens being received at a higher price, or a greater quantity of tokens at a lower price.

To provide access to the best rates on the market, we identified two types of assets:

  • correlated - for example stable coins ($USDC, $USDT, etc.)

  • uncorrelated - for example $ETH and $APXV

Apex Vault offers two different liquidity pool types based on token pair needs, Stable Pools and Variable Pools.

The protocol router assesses both types of liquidity pools to identify the most efficient price quote and trading path. To safeguard against flashloan attacks, the router relies on 30-minute time-weighted average prices (TWAPs). Additionally, the router is self-sufficient and does not require external maintenance.

Furthermore, the level of slippage varies based on the amount of liquidity available in a given pool. Higher value locked in a pool results in deeper liquidity and consequently, reduced slippage.

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