As previously noted in the protocol overview, token whitelisting is required for a token to receive an active gauge on Apex Vault. Partners will have several gauges for the tokens in their ecosystems, based on a case-by-case evaluation of each token. At the team's discretion, other "core" tokens may also have gauges established.


Trading fees generated by liquidity pools without gauges are directed to the treasury on Apex Vault. This approach was deemed to be the most advantageous for the protocol since it was discovered that certain projects could establish trading pairs, bypass the gauge application process, and profit from the protocol without offering any advantages in return. Once a gauge is established, all fees from that point forward are distributed as bribes to voters. Therefore, it is advisable for projects to follow the aforementioned guidelines.


Apex Vault's roadmap includes several proposals for introducing new gauge types. While we do not currently have any plans to reveal these concepts, we will do so if and when the code is ready.

Last updated