Ensuring the capability to sustain project costs is a crucial aspect of any initiative. Apex Vault has devoted significant effort to devising ways of generating a consistent and reliable source of revenue for both the team and the community.


Any trading fees generated from liquidity pools without gauges will be directed to the tank. This feature is disabled once a gauge is established for a particular pool. The team has full discretion over the use of these fees, which may be utilized for various purposes such as $APXV buybacks and burns, bribing core pools, funding development initiatives, and others.


The initial liquidity-providing $APXV pool on Apex Vault does not generate any revenue. There will be no emissions from this pool, and once its purpose is fulfilled, the tokens will be burned.


Four percent of the emissions fromEquinox are directed towards the treasury. These $APXV tokens will be utilized at the team's discretion for various purposes such as $APXV buybacks and burns, bribing core pools, funding development initiatives, adding to team member voting power, and others.


Each team member on Apex Vault possesses a personal $veAPXV holding and has the ability to vote as they choose in an effort to generate their own income.

Last updated